2011年5月16日 星期一

Lightning jump out on Bruins

Doing it dramatically is the order of the days as use of special effects in wedding is catching the fancy of the people. Right from setting up LED walls ,laser lights to the use of hydraulics  people are going for all possible means to play up the  weddings.

"Doing it differently being the mantra of today so it reflects everywhere including the weddings where the use of technology is helping to get the right effect .Earlier it was merely through the materials like the fabrics, flowers we played up the decor but now it has been replaced by use of lights. Now different kinds of lights are being used to create a dramatic effect. Special occasions during the weddings is being given a special treatment through the use of technology. For instance the entry of the bride at the venue of the wedding is given a special feel where a head light traces her movement making her the cynosure of all eyes. Similarly at the time of jaimala a stream of light descends from above , created through an effect called the Niagara Falls in a bid to bless the couple which makes it a very dramatic moment," says Manish Srivastava, who runs an event management company.

While others in order to make it a memorable moment are making use of hydraulic machines. "Through these machines the couple were lifted twenty feet above the stage where they garlanded each other that won great appreciation from the guests at the wedding. In another wedding the groom stood on the stage while the bride emerged from under the ground in a very dramatic manner for the jaimala," says Sumit Srivastava who is technical adviser working for a event management company.

Even the most natural of rituals like showering of flowers or display of fireworks is now mechanically driven. Shekhar Agarwal had wanted that flowers should rain at the time of the jaimala during his son's wedding. "Since it was not possible by hands so nearly twenty four machines were installed that showered petals on everyone  , says the young businessman.

Similarly Rakesh Agarwal wanted to say is through the fire crackers during his son's wedding. "I wanted that special ceremonies during the wedding should be made into a statement with the dazzle of the fireworks when I told this to the event management company, managing the wedding they suggested computer programmed fireworks that ensure that the crackers bursted at the right time," he says.

